Semantic Colors

Semantic Color Classes


  • --control-accent-color: var(–system-red)


  • --control-accent-color: var(–system-yellow)


  • --control-accent-color: var(–system-green)


  • --control-accent-color: var(–system-blue)



The pastel class (in combination with one of the semantic colors) will help you have softer colors but still identifiable by the user.

  • --desaturate-ratio: .5
  • --current-accent-color: the current semantic color desaturated by the --desaturate-ratio and 90% to 100% lighter.


  • --control-text-color: takes the current color with a lightness maxed at 40%



  • color: var(–control-text-color)
  • background-color: var(–current-control-tint)


Tables can follow the semantic color applied to it. Striped variations will also follow.

You may also decide to apply semantic colors to a dedicated row. Of course, in that case, it would override the striped colors.