
The AttributeComposer class is an abstract class that binds HTML element attributes to a context. It helps create custom attribute composers that parse and apply attribute values to elements.

Usage Example

To create a custom attribute composer, extend the AttributeComposer class and implement its abstract methods.

Example: CustomAttributeComposer

import { AttributeComposer } from './shared';
import { Binding } from '@akala/core';

class CustomAttributeComposer extends AttributeComposer<{ customOption: string }>

    getContext(item: Element, options?: { customOption: string }): Binding<unknown>
        return DataContext.find(item);

    applyInternal(item: Element, options: { customOption: string }, subItem: PropertyKey, value: unknown): void
        // Implement the logic to apply the value to the element
        item.setAttribute(subItem.toString(), value as string);

Using the CustomAttributeComposer

Using Direct Attribute

<p custom-attribute="{role=context.role}">

Using Sub Attributes

<p custom-attribute custom-attribute-role="context.role">

In this example, the CustomAttributeComposer class extends AttributeComposer and implements the getContext and applyInternal methods. The apply method binds the custom attribute to the element.

This example binds the role attribute to context.role. When context.role changes, the role attribute updates accordingly.

WARNING: Changes to the attribute do not update context.role.

In the second example, <p custom-attribute custom-attribute-role="context.role">, note the empty custom-attribute alongside custom-attribute-role. This is intentional. The CustomAttributeComposer uses custom-attribute as its selector. Since wildcard attribute selectors (custom-attribute-*) are not supported in the DOM, adding the empty attribute ensures proper selection and in the most efficient and optimized manner.



constructor(protected readonly attribute: string, parser?: Parser)
  • attribute: The attribute name to bind.
  • parser: An optional parser for the attribute value.


  • selector: The CSS selector string for the attribute.
  • optionName: The attribute name.
  • parser: The parser for the attribute value.



optionGetter(options: object): T
  • options: An object with options.
  • Returns the attribute value from the options.


abstract getContext(item: Element, options?: T): Binding<unknown>
  • item: The HTML element.
  • options: Optional options.
  • Returns a binding context for the element.


abstract applyInternal<const TKey extends PropertyKey>(item: Element, options: T, subItem: TKey, value: unknown): Subscription | void
  • item: The HTML element.
  • options: The options.
  • subItem: The sub-item key.
  • value: The value to apply.
  • Applies the value to the element and returns a subscription or void.


apply(item: Element, options: T, root: Element | ShadowRoot)
  • item: The HTML element.
  • options: The options.
  • root: The root element or shadow root.
  • Applies attribute bindings to the element.


getBindings<const TKey extends PropertyKey>(item: Element, options: T, context: Binding<unknown>, member: TKey, source: ExpressionsWithLength)
  • item: The HTML element.
  • options: The options.
  • context: The binding context.
  • member: The member key.
  • source: The source expression.
  • Returns the bindings for the element.