
Akala client framework aims to provide the same feature set that angualar is able to provide. Leveraging akala-core, it provides :

  • scope
  • composers
  • controls
  • services
  • formatters (angular-like pipes)

Get started

To get started, just follow the instructions


Name (selector)Description
DataContext ([data-context])allows to define a data context to which you will bind your data. This works similarly to the data context in .NET WPF.
DataBind ([data-bind])binds properties of the data context to your element (that can be style, innerText, …).
CssClass ([klass])binds css classes to your data context (this works similarly to the ngClass from angular).
I18n ([i18n])i18n tries to solve the internationalization problem than any application faces.
Form (<form>)if a container is accessible from the current data context, the form composer will try to invoke the command with the html trigger


Eachif a container is accessible from the current data context, the form composer will try to invoke the command with the html trigger


$httpprovides an easy way to do http requests
$templateservice allowing the template feature
$outletservice for the part control. Can be used to create controls with templates
$routerservice that binds on the location service and run the code of the most appropriate route. The routing is provided using a browserified version of expressjs
$locationservice binding on location changes

Table of contents