

ObservableObject is a class that wraps an object and allows you to watch for changes on its properties. It emits events whenever a property value changes.


import { ObservableObject } from '@akala/core';

const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 };
const observableObj = new ObservableObject(obj);

observableObj.on('a', (event) => {
    console.log(`Property 'a' changed from ${event.oldValue} to ${event.value}`);

observableObj.setValue('a', 3); // This will trigger the event and log: Property 'a' changed from 1 to 3
obj.a = 1; // This will NOT trigger the event


ObservableArray is a class that wraps an array and allows you to watch for changes on its elements. It emits events whenever the array is modified (e.g., push, pop, shift, unshift, replace). This event informs about what action happened and what are the old and new items.


import { ObservableArray } from '@akala/core';

const arr = [1, 2, 3];
const observableArr = new ObservableArray(arr);

observableArr.addListener((event) => {
    console.log(`Array changed: ${event.action}`);

observableArr.push(4); // This will trigger the event and log: Array changed: push



Initally the binding idea came from .NET WPF. There we have the binding concept and the possibility to have 2 way data bindings. Then came angularjs with another presentation of 2 way data bindings. The approach taken here is to make fully accessible, just as another building block.


Bindings are very easy to use and have 1 clear limitation (for now): they only support the . (dot) notation. see examples below :

var o={x:{a:1, b:2, c:3}, a:[{a:4, b:5, c:6}], foo:'bar'}
var bindingXA=new Binding('x.a', o);

bindingXA.onChanged(event => {
    console.log(`Property 'a' changed from ${event.oldValue} to ${event.value}`);
o.x.a=-1 // does not trigger binding update as used outside of binding "context"

bindingXA.setValue(-1); // This will trigger the event and log: Property 'a' changed from 1 to -1

Since bindings are relying on Observables (see above), you may also do the following:

ObservableObject.setValue(o, 'a', -1); // This will also trigger the binding changed event


new ObservableObject(a).setValue('a', -1); // This will also trigger the binding changed event