
Composer is a core concept in Akala client. It helps converting raw HTML to a living application.


To implement a composer, you only need to implement the Composer interface.

Interface Definition

The Composer interface is defined as follows:

export interface Composer<TOptions = unknown>
    selector: string | string[];
    optionGetter(options: object): TOptions;
    apply(items: Element, options?: TOptions, futureParent?: Element | DocumentFragment): Disposable;


  • selector: A string or an array of strings that specifies the CSS selectors for the elements that the composer will apply to.
  • optionGetter(options: object): TOptions: A method that extracts the options for the composer from the root options object (you may define that during as a bootstrap parameter).
  • apply(items: Element, options?: TOptions, futureParent?: Element | DocumentFragment): Disposable: A method that applies the composer to the specified elements. It returns a Disposable object that can be used to clean up the applied composer.

Generic Parameter

  • TOptions: This generic parameter allows you to specify the type of options that the composer will use. By default, it is set to unknown. You can define a specific type for the options to ensure type safety and better code completion in your IDE.

Example Implementation

Here is an example of how to implement a simple composer:

import { Composer } from './template';

interface MyOptions {
    myOption: string;

class MyComposer implements Composer<MyOptions>
    selector = 'my-element';

    optionGetter(options: object): MyOptions
        return options['myOptions'];

    apply(items: Element, options?: MyOptions, futureParent?: Element | DocumentFragment)
        // Apply the composer logic to the items
        items.innerHTML = `Composed content with option: ${options?.myOption}`;
        return {
            [Symbol.dispose]() {
                // Clean up logic
                items.innerHTML = '';

In this example, the MyComposer class implements the Composer interface with a specific type for TOptions (MyOptions). It defines a selector for the elements it will apply to, an optionGetter method to extract options, and an apply method to apply the composer logic to the elements.