Middleware with Priority

Middleware with priority allows you to control the order in which middlewares are executed. By assigning a priority value to each middleware, you can ensure that certain middlewares run before or after others, providing greater control over the middleware execution flow.

Synchronous variant

The MiddlewareCompositeWithPriority class allows indexing middlewares, which can be either synchronous or asynchronous.

export class MiddlewareCompositeWithPriority<T extends unknown[], TSpecialNextParam extends string | void = SpecialNextParam> 
implements MiddlewareAsync<T, TSpecialNextParam>
    useMiddleware(priority: number, ...middlewares: AnySyncMiddleware<T, TSpecialNextParam>[]): this;

    use(priority: number, ...middlewares: ((...args: T) => unknown)[]): this;

Asynchronous variant

The MiddlewareCompositeWithPriorityAsync class allows indexing asynchronous middlewares.

export class MiddlewareCompositeWithPriorityAsync<T extends unknown[], TSpecialNextParam extends string | void = SpecialNextParam> 
implements MiddlewareAsync<T, TSpecialNextParam>
    useMiddleware(priority: number, ...middlewares: AnyAsyncMiddleware<T, TSpecialNextParam>[]): this;

    use(priority: number, ...middlewares: ((...args: T) => Promise<unknown>)[]): this;