The Event
class represents an individual event and provides methods to manage listeners and emit the event.
addListener(listener: Function, options?: { once?: boolean }): Subscription
- Adds a listener to the event.
removeListener(listener: Function): boolean
- Removes a listener from the event.
emit(...args: any[]): any
- Emits the event with the provided arguments.
pipe(event: Event): Subscription
- Pipes the event to another event.
[Symbol.dispose](): void
- Disposes of the event and all its listeners.
The AsyncEvent
class extends Event
to handle asynchronous listeners.
addListener(listener: Function, options?: { once?: boolean }): Subscription
- Adds an asynchronous listener to the event.
emit(...args: any[]): Promise<any>
- Emits the event with the provided arguments and returns a promise.
The ReplayEvent
class extends Event
to replay the last emitted events to new listeners.
emit(...args: any[]): any
- Emits the event with the provided arguments and stores them in a buffer.
addListener(listener: Function, options?: { once?: boolean }): Subscription
- Adds a listener to the event and replays the buffered events.
The PipeEvent
class extends Event
to map and pipe events from one source to another.
addListener(listener: Function, options?: { once?: boolean }): Subscription
- Adds a listener to the event and subscribes to the source event if required.
removeListener(listener: Function): boolean
- Removes a listener from the event and unsubscribes from the source event if there are no more listeners.
The EventEmitter
class is used to handle events in a structured way. It allows you to define, emit, and listen to events.
import { EventEmitter } from 'path-to-event-emitter';
const emitter = new EventEmitter();
emitter.on('eventName', (arg1, arg2) => {
console.log(arg1, arg2);
emitter.emit('eventName', 'arg1', 'arg2');
hasListener(eventName: string | symbol): boolean
- Checks if there are any listeners for the specified event.
setAsync(eventName: string | symbol): void
- Sets the specified event to be asynchronous.
set(eventName: string | symbol, event: Event): void
- Sets a custom event for the specified event name.
get(eventName: string | symbol): Event
- Gets the event associated with the specified event name.
getOrCreate(eventName: string | symbol): Event
- Gets the event associated with the specified event name, or creates it if it doesn’t exist.
setMaxListeners(maxListeners: number, eventName?: string | symbol): void
- Sets the maximum number of listeners for the specified event.
emit(eventName: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean
- Emits the specified event with the provided arguments.
on(eventName: string | symbol, listener: Function, options?: { once?: boolean }): Subscription
- Adds a listener for the specified event.
once(eventName: string | symbol, listener: Function, options?: { once?: boolean }): Subscription
- Adds a one-time listener for the specified event.
off(eventName: string | symbol, listener: Function): boolean
- Removes the specified listener for the event.
[Symbol.dispose](): void
- Disposes of the event emitter and all its listeners.